My Summer with Outreachy!

Neerja Narayanappa
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Hello everyone, this is my first blog post on medium and I’m very excited to start this new journey. I am a graduate student and the president of the Computer Networks Society at UT Arlington. I love dogs, food, technology, and gardening (exclusively in that order). This blog is about one of the most exciting moments in my life and I am very happy to share this milestone with you all!

It was April 23rd, 2018, and a very beautiful day. I was looking forward to this day as it was the day of the Outreachy internship results. Needless to say, I was very anxious and nervous as I worked very hard over several weeks. After refreshing my mail client about a million times, the moment finally arrived! I got the email that read “Neerja Narayanappa accepted for Outreachy…”. I cried my eyes out! I was beaming with happiness! My world turned around and I literally jumped out of my bed screaming out loud YES! I MADE IT! It is by far one of the happiest days of my life. I was accepted as an intern for the OpenStack Qinling project!

Qinling- is a function as a service for OpenStack. It lets you run your code without requiring you to provision or manage servers, pure awesomeness! It provides a platform to support serverless functions, which will take over the server world pretty soon.

To be an Outreachy intern I knew I had to work hard and start early. I started as soon as the applications for the internships were opened with a single goal in my mind — to get this internship and make it one of the best learnings in my career. I thank my mentor Lingxian Kong for guiding me through my internship so far. He is a wonderful person and one of the friendliest people I have ever known. He is one of the best mentors I have ever worked with. I am positive that these 3 months would definitely create a lasting impression on my career. I also thank the Outreachy organizers and all the companies who participated in Outreachy this year.

I love networking with fellow OpenStack enthusiasts, you can find me on Twitter. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions about the application process or OpenStack.

Cheers to new beginnings!

“Dog sways in a child seat on a swing set” by Marion Michele on Unsplash

